Super Bowl Analysis: The Most Common Characteristics of Winning Players According to 50+ Years of Data

Super Bowl Analysis: The Most Common Characteristics of Winning Players According to 50+ Years of Data article feature image

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Ahead of Super Bowl LIX, Action Network has analyzed hundreds of players who have won the Super Bowl (1967-2024) to find out what are the most common characteristics of a Super-Bowl-winning player. 

An analysis of 1,932 individuals who were part of the winning teams in their respective Super Bowl years was carried out and the results can be found below. 

Place of Birth

Los Angeles turned out to be the most common city of birth of the winners (45 players born there), followed by Houston (38 players) & a tie between Detroit and Chicago for the third place (27 players). 

The United States are the most common country of birth (1857 winners) and California turned out to be the U.S. state with the most winners being born there (205 winners), followed by Texas (203 winners) and Florida (128 winners).

Names and Initials

“J” turned out to be the most common first name initial of Super Bowl winners (245 players had a name starting with “J”), followed by “D” (208 players) & “M” (176 players).

Meanwhile, Mike turned out to be the most common first name of the winners (44 players were named Mike), followed by John (34 players) & Jim (30 players).

Days and Months of Birth

Tuesday turned out to be the most common weekday of birth (289 players were born on Tuesday), January turned out to be the most popular month of birth (185 players were born in January), while Virgo turned out to be the most common zodiac sign (179 players were a Virgo).

Average Height and Weight

The average height of a winner is 6 feet 1.7 inches (= 1.88m), while the average weight is 236.5 lbs (=107.31 kg).

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  • In total, 1,932 individual Super-Bowl-winning players were part of the analysis, spanning 1967-2024
  • After collecting all of the players, the duplicates were removed and their data was amended through Wikipedia and subsequently analyzed (having said that, if one player won multiple times, they were counted only once in our analysis) 
  • In rare instances where some data was missing, the player was omitted from that part of the analysis

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