Bucks vs. Lakers Odds, Prediction | NBA Betting Pick (Thursday, Feb. 9)

Bucks vs. Lakers Odds, Prediction | NBA Betting Pick (Thursday, Feb. 9) article feature image

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Bucks vs. Lakers Odds

Bucks Odds-7
Lakers Odds+7
DateThursday, Feb. 9
Time10 p.m. ET
How to WatchTNT
Odds via FanDuel as of Thursday at 4 p.m. ET.

The Action Network has an elite predictive algorithm that applies to Bucks vs. Lakers on Thursday night, broadcasted nationally on TNT.

Our proprietary algorithms have indicated a roughly 5% edge on one side of the spread.

We don't recommend using this betting algorithm as an alternative to investing — variance is a much sturdier constraint in sports gambling compared to the financial markets — but similar principles apply in regard to gains over a long time horizon.

Bucks vs. Lakers NBA Odds, Prediction 

This betting algorithm considers all factors involved in the game, including injuries, matchups, rest, travel and more.